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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #23-13 - April 1, 2023

Special Topic: random
NOTE: This show was assembled from segments of 11 different random chronological shows from 1979-1989, with commercials and outdated references removed. As of the time of posting, none of the excerpted shows were available for streaming on The shows used were: 79-24, 80-45, 81-34, 82-27, 83-09, 84-35, 85-15, 86-33, 87-02, 88-40, & 89-18.
NOTE: The original stream included a commercial and irrelevant teaser after the fourth segment, but this was corrected for streams after 8am PDT.
Beep Beep - The Playmates
Three Mile Island Beatles - Russell Hoffman
Elmer And The Bear - Phil Harris
Pancho Lopez - Lalo Guerrero

Merchant's Lunch - The Red Clay Ramblers
I'm The Slime - The Mothers
Money - Blegen & Sayer

A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request - Steve Goodman
I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross
My Dead Dog Rover - Hank, Stu, Dave & Hank

Nicholas - Kenneth Rexroth
Mr. Wizard And Timmy - Stevens & Grdnic
It's Sister Ginny's Turn To Throw The Bomb - The Glencoves
Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow - The Rivingtons

When Lulu's Gone - Bang Boys
Hello D.J. (bleeped version) - Don Bowman

Radio Montage #1

Radio Montage #2

Brownie Batter And Oatmeal Tea - The Donzo Bog Band
Existential Blues Pt. Too? - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus
Thirty Years A Princess - Nancy White

Worms - Captain Rock
Lydia The Tattooed Lady - Groucho Marx
Zombie Jamboree - The Kingston Trio
The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) - Tom Waits

Beach Party Vietnam - The Dead Milkmen
Draft Dodger Rag - Phil Ochs
California Kid - The Beat Farmers
It Ain't Easy Being Male - Howie Nave
Hopelessly Heterosexual (intro omitted) - Peter Alsop

Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport - Rolf Harris
No News, Or What Killed The Dog - Nat M. Wills
Little Blue Riding Hood - Stan Freberg
The Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley

Rock Me Jerry Lewis - Mike Elliott & Bud LaTour
I'm A Wimp - Steve Dahl w/ Teenage Radiation & Garry Meier
The Masochism Tango (orchestral version) - Tom Lehrer
next week: baseball