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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show
The Chimney Song - Bob Rivers Comedy Corp
The Smell Of Christmas - John Saylor
Merry F#%$in' Christmas - Denis Leary
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - Joseph Spence
Dear Santa - Sean Morey
I've Got Some Presents For Santa - Sarah Taylor & Bill Mumy
Merry Christmas You Suckers - Paddy Roberts
Hanukkah Hey Ya - Smooth-E
Tradition - Mike Hitchcock & Steve Kehela
Christmas Cut-Up (1985) - Whimsical Will
Christmas With The Martians - Dwight Twilley
What Can You Get A Wookiee For Christmas (When He Already Owns A Comb?) - The Star Wars Intergalactic Droid Choir & Chorale [Meco]
Christmas With The Devil (original version) - Spinal Tap
Joy To The World (background/brief excerpt) - The Mistletoe Disco Band
Christmas '65 (Draft Cards) - Allan Sherman
A Christmas/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Chanukah/Ramadan/Boxing Day Song - Christine Lavin & The Mistletones
Wreck The Malls - Bob Rivers Comedy Corp
Deck The Halls (background/brief excerpt) - Laffy (Kitty Stallings)
Rudolph The Brown Nose Reindeer - Rudy & The Reindeer
Rudolph's On Steroids - Drew Jacobs & Swingbatter
Huntin' For Rudolph - Buck Hunter & The Boys
Redneck Christmas Carol - Jeff & Megan Belanger
Hunting Time (fade) - Brian B & Rodney The Reindeer
Dearest Mr. Santa Claus - Heywood Banks
All I Want For Christmas Is Bin Laden On A Stick - The Buzz Wigby Orchestra
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teats - Dick Grande & The Dirty Danglers
Boob Job For Christmas - Virginia Kegel
I Want A Blow Up Doll For Christmas - Arnie Aardvark
A Totally Ridiculous 12 Days Of Christmas - Frank Welker
#5 Blue Christmas - Seymour Swine & The Squeelers
#4 Frosty The Dopeman - Marc Zydiak
#3 Mrs. Claus (edit) - Bob Ricci
#2 Mrs. Claus - Throwing Toasters
#1 I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas (Hippo The Hero) - Gayla Peevey
next week: Christmas part 2/4