playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #22-21 - May 21, 2022

Special Topic: demented songs by mainstream artists
NOTE: This week's show was delayed until 3:10pm PDT instead of being available at midnight as usual.
The Cat Song - Joe & Sharon Keefe
The Kittyman (Sea Shanty) - Trailer Park Boys
The Wellerman - Mr. Farts
Finland - Monty Python
Brandon - Worm Quartet
I Wanna Be Sedated - Ramones
Baby Talk At The Sleepover - Napoleon XIV & Artie Barnes
All My Favorite Clothes Are Falling Apart - Steve Goodie
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Mercedes Benz - Janis Joplin
Harv Kirschener (edit) - Fabulous Deluxe Brothers
Sunday Driving - Jerry Lewis w/ Billy May & His Orchestra
Driving Instructor (pilot script for a new TV series) (excerpt) - Bob Newhart
I Love Driving - SnG
Cars And Driving (excerpt) - George Carlin
Whoever You Are - Geggy Tah

Woke Up Dis Mornin' - Fish Karma
Up Your Nose - Gabriel Kaplan
Your Brain Fell Out - Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club

A Boy Named Sue - Johnny Cash
30,000 Pounds Of Bananas - Harry Chapin
Timothy - The Buoys
Friends - The Police

Clap For The Wolfman - The Guess Who
Maxwell's Silver Hammer - The Beatles
Phenomenal Cat - The Kinks
Ducks On The Wall - The Kinks
Gonna Buy Me A Dog - The Monkees
Cobwebs And Strange - The Who
One Piece At A Time - Johnny Cash & The Tennessee Three
One Toke Over The Line - Lawrence Welk
Mother - The Police
You're Breakin' My Heart (censored) - Nilsson

My Ding-A-Ling - Chuck Berry
Boris The Spider - The Who
No Anchovies, Please - The J. Geils Band
As Bad As This (excerpt with "Plexiglas Toilet") - Styx
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (stereo edit) - The Beatles
next week: top ten