The Dr. Demento Show #78-23 - July 30, 1978

You Can Leave Your Hat On - Randy Newman
Wasn't That A Mighty Day, When The Needle Hit The Ground - Mike & Maggie
Bishop On The Landing - Monty Python
Them Duck Pluckers - Mason Williams
Timothy - The Buoys
Breakfast Conversation #3 - Yin & Yan

Black Denim Trousers - Joan Morris & William Bolcom
Juanita Banana - The Peels
Tra La La Song - The Banana Splits
Let's Make The Water Turn Black - The Mothers Of Invention

Cocaine Lil - The Madrigal Singers, conducted by Lehman Engel
Baseball Rag - Arthur Collins
Paradise By The Dashboard Light (excerpt) - Meat Loaf f/ Phil Rizzuto
Everybody's Got To Have A Mother - Alice Stone

Elderly Man River - Stan Freberg
Smut (with intro) - Tom Lehrer
Your Auntie Grizelda - The Monkees

What's New Pussycat - Wayne University Dropouts
Mr. Segal - Sophie Tucker
Somebody Stole My Gal - Mel Blanc

(#9) Sahra Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out - Shel Silverstein
(#8) I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross
(#7) I Live In A Split Level Head - Napoleon XIV
(#6) Whole Lotta Love - Temple City Kazoo Band

#5 Marvin - Christine Nelson
#4 Making Love In A Subaru - Damaskas
EXTRA: Tiger Rag (live radio appearance) - Spike Jones & His City Slickers

#3 Hamster Love - Big Daddy
EXTRA: Fox In Socks (Fast Version) - Marvin Miller w/ Marty Gold & His Orchestra
#2 King Tut - Steve Martin & The Toot Uncommons
EXTRA: Ace Guard Snails - Rhino Royale

#1 Pencil Neck Geek (w/ epilogue) - Fred Blassie