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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #99-02 - January 10, 1999

Special Topic: Star Trek

Let's Get Branded - Roy Zimmerman
Acupuncture - Cheech & Chong
Them Sticker Gitters - Mason Williams

Super Skier - The Chad Mitchell Trio
I Wanna Drive The Zamboni - The Zambonis
Basketball Jones Featuring Tyrone Shoelaces - Cheech & Chong
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Down South - Woody Allen
There's A Hole In The Iron Curtain ("Nik" version) - Mickey Katz f/ Mel Blanc
Russian Band Stand - Spencer & Spencer w/ the Sonia Pryor Choir
Trigger Happy - "Weird Al" Yankovic

The Chainsaw Juggler - The Four Postmen
Highly Illogical - Leonard Nimoy
Beam Me Up, Scotty - Terry McGovern

The Worst Star Trek Jokes - Ben & Samurai
Another Day On The Enterprise - Swashbuckler Boots
Bar Trek - Thomas Gauthier
Spock On - Traveling Pillsburys
Spock Rap - Neural Paralyzers
What's Up Spock? - Schweitzer Remix - Luke Ski's Psycho Potpourri!

Star Trip - Congress of Wonders

#5 The Trouble With Klingons - Dennis Williams
#4 Do The Picard - Rusty Humphries & The Boneheads

#3 Stardrek - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
#2 Kirk And Spock - anonymous

#1 Star Trekkin' - The Firm
next week: aliens and extraterrestrials