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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show (live on KSCA) - January 19, 1997 (10p-12m)

NOTE: This broadcast was taped for national distribution by On The Radio Broadcasting three weeks later as show 97-06.
Special Topic: demented love songs
Doors - Bruce McCulloch
Let's Blow Up The Tow Truck - Krypton
Another One Rides the Bus - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Merry-Go-Round - Wild Man Fischer
3 Blind Jellyfish - The Scaffold

Rubber Biscuit - The Chips
Grandmother's Song - Steve Martin
Demented News With Whimsical Will

My First Time Ever - Da Yoopers
Cows With Guns - Dana Lyons
Thus Cacked Henrietta (a/k/a Also Sprach Zarathustra) - Ray Stevens
Froo Froo The Talking Cat - Radio Free Vestibule

Life Sucks, Then You Die (w/ intro) - The Fools
A Little More Gauze - Mike Nichols & Elaine May

Crazy - Ace T. & The Hindenburg Ground Crew
Photogenic, Schizophrenic You - Napoleon XIV
John And Marsha - Stan Freberg
Love Song - Albert Brooks

The Lumanian Love Song - Barnes & Barnes
Love Poems: "To The Lovely Juanita Beasley" - Andy Griffith
When You Are Old And Grey (live) - Tom Lehrer
Dizzy - Part II (excerpt with song "Do You Believe Me? I Do") - Burns & Allen

Je T'Aime...Moi Non Plus - Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg
Le Bal (excerpt) - Hans Reichel
Barstow (brief excerpt) - Harry Partch
#5 Fire Water Burn - Bloodhound Gang
#4 Drivin' (w/ intro) - Henry Phillips

#3 In My Country - The Lemon Sisters (from The Groundlings)
#2 Ode To My Car (Car Honk Version) - Adam Sandler

#1 Bulbous Bouffant - Radio Free Vestibule
next week: all-request show