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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #97-38 - September 21, 1997

Special Topic: Star Trek

Mississippi Squirrel Revival - Ray Stevens
The Rat - Phil Solis w/ Glenn Greasby
Hamster Love - Big Daddy
The French Toast Man - Fred Lane

Car Phone - Sheeler & Sheeler
Get Off The Phone And Drive - Dan Chopin
Beep Beep - The Playmates
Demented News With Whimsical Will

The Rolling Stones - Junior's Army
Rock And Roll Doctor - Travesty, Ltd.
Party In Your Pants - Judy Tenuta
Big Balls - AC/DC

Kevin And God - Radio Free Vestibule
Beam Me Up, Scotty - Terry McGovern

Stardrek - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
Spock Rap - Neural Paralyzers
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Earth - Leonard Nimoy
The Trouble With Klingons - Dennis Williams
What's Up Spock? - Schweitzer Remix - Luke Ski's Psycho Potpourri!

Star Trip - Congress of Wonders

#5 Bar Trek - Thomas Gauthier
#4 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - William Shatner

#3 Star Trekkin' - The Firm
#2 Kirk And Spock - anonymous

#1 Do The Picard - Rusty Humphries & The Boneheads
next week: trains; Dead Alewives