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The Dr. Demento Show #95-51 - December 17, 1995

Special Topic: Christmas part 2/3

Hanukah Rocks - Gefilte Joe & The Fish
We Wish You A Merry Clucksmas - Rothman's Henhouse
The Nightly Santa Report - Tom Dark
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - Joseph Spence

Condoms For Christmas - Milo Bobbins & The Budget Boys
You Ain't Gettin' Diddly Squat - Heywood Banks f/ The Heylettes
Merry Christmas You Suckers - Paddy Roberts
I Shot Santa In My Underwear - The Fools

Demented News With Whimsical Will
Rudolph The Brown Nose Reindeer - Rudy & The Reindeer
Huntin' For Rudolph - Buck Hunter & The Boys
Santa's Longjohns - Joe Pickering
Bradley, The Brown-Nosed Reindeer - Michael James

Santa's Lament - Father Guido Sarducci
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses

It's Christmas And I Wonder Where I Am - The Bob & Tom Band
Santa The Red-Nosed Drunkard - Slant 6 & The Jumpstarts
I Found The Brains Of Santa Claus - Jason & The Strap-Tones
Christmas With The Devil (1992 version) - Spinal Tap

Hanukkah Homeboy - Doc Mo She
Tradition - Mike Hitchcock & Steve Kehela
Green Chri$tma$ - Stan Freberg

#5 Christmas At Ground Zero - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#4 The Pretty Little Dolly - Mona Abboud

#3 I've Got Some Presents For Santa - Sarah Taylor & Bill Mumy
#2 I Met Santa On The Internet - Li'l Hank

#1 Santa Claus And His Old Lady - Cheech & Chong
next week: Christmas part 3/3