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entered by jbmorris@copper.ucs.indiana.edu
The Crusher - The Novas
Kick Ass USA - Milo Tremley
The Last Blast Of The Blasted Bugler - Sonny Giannotta (w/ Phil Camarata & Tommy Cardinale)
It's A Real World (After All) - Duck Logic
My Ding-A-Ling - Chuck Berry
The Daily Dozen #8: The Revolve - Walter Camp
Ride The Wild Surf - Surf Punks
Sidewalk Surfin' - Jan & Dean
Eep Opp Ork (uh uh) - The Dickies
I Wanna Kiss Her - Tim Cavanagh
The Little Space Girl - Jesse Lee Turner
Twister - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Announcement/Quiet Please - Negativland
The Old Payola Roll Blues - Stan Freberg
Shakespeare Rap - Open Season
Vegetables - The Beach Boys
I Love Onions - Susan Christie
My Bologna (single version) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
I Wanna Hot Dog For My Roll - Butterbeans & Susie
Fussy Eater - George Carlin
Roast Chicken Faces - The Toons
#5 My Neighbor's Kids - The Duh
#4 She Grabbed My Coconuts - Barry & The Bookbinders
#3 Last Will And Temperament - The Frantics
#2 Ti Kwan Leep/Boot To The Head - The Frantics
EXTRA: Frozen Embryos - 3 Guys From Hollywood
next week: more food songs