A copy of this show has been found in the Demento Archives. If you would like to vote for it being transferred to digital for streaming on their web site, please click here. |
April Showers - Spike Jones & His City Slickers f/ Doodles Weaver
Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll - Ian Dury
Almost Degraded - The Cornball Express
Transfusion - Nervous Norvus
It's Hard To Be Humble - Mac Davis
The Patent Medicine Man - Len Spencer
Catch It And You Keep It - National Lampoon
Pop Hates The Beatles - Allan Sherman
My Boyfriend Got A Beatle Haircut - Donna Lynn
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - The Beatles
Please Please Me - Barnes & Barnes
The Day I Jumped From Uncle Harvey's Plane (album version) - Roger Miller
My Parachute Won't Open - Itzhak Volansky
Damaskas' Copycat Game #13
I Gotta Get A Fake I.D. - Barnes & Barnes
I Don't Wanna Get Drafted - Frank Zappa
The Terrible War In Snyder's Grocery Store - Ian Whitcomb
Spam - Monty Python
The Kute Klux Klan - Bobby Braddock
The Battle Of New Orleans - Jimmy Driftwood
DOCTOR'S CHOICE: The Wild One - Johnny Horton
Mr. Sheene - Dirk & Stig
#5 Boris The Spider - The Who
#4 Poisoning Pigeons In The Park (orchestral version) - Tom Lehrer
EXTRA: The Bird On My Head - The Music Of David Seville
#3 My Name Is Larry (w/ intro) - Wild Man Fischer
EXTRA: I Hate People - Willio & Phillio
#2 Disco Toilet - Hersh & Chipkin
EXTRA: Slide Trombona - Jay Williams
#1 Punk Polka - The Toons