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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show
A Sack Of Christmas Joy - Bad Beth & Beyond f/ Josh Paxton
Merry Christmas In The NFL - Willis "The Guard" & Vigorish
Jimmy Durante's Christmas Song (Escape) - Andy Merrill
I've Had A Very Merry Christmas - Jerry Lewis
Christmas Is Over - Le Chat & Jethro
#25 Monster Rap (edit) - Bobby (Boris) Pickett f/ Bobby Paine
#24 Baby Stay The Fuck Away From Me - Richard Cheese
#23 Stay The Fuck At Home - Bob E. Kelley
#22 Census 2020 - Max DeGroot
#21 I Can't Breathe - Tom Smith
#20 I Wonder What's Inside Your Butthole (Jonathan Mann remix) - Lisa Schmeesa's kid
#19 Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television (edited) - George Carlin
#18 Classical Gas - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#17 Spam - Monty Python
#16 Wet Dream - Kip Addotta
#15 C3PO - The Sithfits
#14 Hey, Dr. Demento - Larry Tritel
#13 I Like - Colleen Green
#12 Draw A Smile On A Paper Plate - Andy "Live From Brakingham Palace" Merrill
#11 We've Been Through Some Crappy Times Before - Austin Lounge Lizards
#10 Pajamazon! - The Aquabats!
#9 Ti Kwan Leep/Boot to the Head - The Frantics
#8 Put On A Mask - Carla Ulbrich
#7 I Can Sufficiently Rock You Now - Power Salad
#6 Shatnered - Mark Jonathan Davis
#5 Existential Blues - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus
#4 WAPC (Wet-Ass Pussy Cat) - Devo Spice
#3 Doctor Demento Funny Five - Boomer & Zoomer
#2 The Bunker Boy - Randy Rainbow
#1 I've Got No More F'S To Give - Thomas Benjamin Wild, Esq.
Happy New Year - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
next week: I haven't decided yet