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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #10-40 - October 2, 2010

Special Topic: the ultimate Dr. Demento Star Trek tribute

Beam Me Up, Scotty - Terry McGovern
Highly Illogical - Leonard Nimoy
Stardrek (original version) - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
Banned From Argo - The Dehorn Crew

The Trouble With Klingons - Dennis Williams
Spock Rap - Neural Paralyzers
Spock On - Traveling Pillsburys
All The Star Trek Shows Ever Made Rolled Into One - Jim Samuels
Uhura - Joey Shoji & The Trektones
The Worst Star Trek Jokes - Ben & Samurai
Amphibious Assault - Leonard Nimoy
Another Day On The Enterprise (edit) - Swashbuckler Boots
The Last Voyage Of The Starship Enterprise (excerpt) - NBC's Saturday Night
Star Trekkin' - The Firm

If Jimmy Stewart Was Captain Kirk - Jeff Nelson
Kirk And Spock - anonymous
The Last Voyage Of The Starship Enterprise (excerpt) - NBC's Saturday Night
Where's Captain Kirk? - Spizzenergi
The Last Voyage Of The Starship Enterprise (excerpt) - NBC's Saturday Night
Bar Trek - Thomas Gauthier
The Last Voyage Of The Starship Enterprise (excerpt) - NBC's Saturday Night
What's Up Spock? - Luke Ski's Psycho Potpourri!

Do The Picard (Dr. Demento's Hits from Outer Space minor edit) - Rusty Humphries & The Boneheads
The Android - Robin Nakkula
Make It So - Dave Atherton
Mr. W. - Ookla The Mok
Sisko's Kid - Dave Atherton
Spock Star - the great Luke Ski

Science Fiction - Chris Rush
Star Trek Life - Sudden Death
Everything I Do (I Do With William Shatner) - Warp 11
You Might Be A Trekkie (live at MarsCon 2006) - the great Luke Ski
And That's Why I'm In A Star Trek Band - Warp 11

Star Trip - The Congress of Wonders
Gowron Said Knock You Out (2010 Edition) - the great Luke Ski
next week: the 40th anniversary of the Dr. Demento show

Bonus Tracks:
Stardrek (remake) - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
Spleen/Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - William Shatner
Proud Mary - Leonard Nimoy