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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #09-02 - January 11, 2009

Special Topic: scandals

I'm Changing My Name To Fannie Mae - Tom Paxton
Wasn't That A Party - The Rovers
The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers
Breathalyzer - Seamonkey
Transfusion - Nervous Norvus
I Want To Be Evil - Eartha Kitt
You're Breakin' My Heart - Nilsson

Oops, I'm Pregnant Again - Sue Fabisch
This Is Ponderous - 2nu
Geekin' Out (Internet Song) - Insane Ian
Vanity Surfin' - Jesus H Christ & The Four Hornsmen Of The Apocalypse
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Midnight Star - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Tabloid Writer - John Mammoser
The Weekly World News Song - Hadji
Tabloid Heroes - Power Salad

Britney's Baby - John Mammoser
Britney Nude On Magazine Cover - John Mammoser
Britney's Bald As A Cue Ball But I'd Still Do Her - Carl Hatmaker
If Britney Was My Mom - Mark Yoshimoto
Bangin' Paris Hilton - Robert Lund
All Shook Up (The Story Of Michael Jackson's Operations) - The Barron Knights
Michael Jackson Sperm Sample - John Mammoser
Slumber Party - Peter Leidy

The Ballad Of Jim And Tammy - Sheb Wooley
The Ballad Of Jim And Tammy - Zot Theater
What Jim Did To Tammy - Petie L. Club
Would Jesus Wear a Rolex - Ray Stevens

I Saw Janet Jackson's Boob - Benj Edwards
He Bit Him On The Ear - Doodoo Wah
Duh Enron Ron Ron - Steve Goodie
My Men's Room Date's A Senator - Robert Lund
Watergrate - Dickie Goodman
Unzippin' My Doo-Dah - The Capitol Steps

Monica's Mouth - Eric Schwartz
next week: more presidential dementia

Ballad Of Elvis Presley's Sexual Orientation According To Headlines In The National Enquirer - Joe Haldeman [online version only]
The Pine Tarred Bat - Red River Dave McEnery [online version only]
The Ballad Of Jim And Tammy - Tammy Faye Bakker [online version only]
Why Can't You Be Like Jimmy - Zoot Fenster [online version only]
I Read It In The Weekly World News - Jim O'Brien [online version only]