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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #07-20 - May 20, 2007

Special Topic: food

I'm A Nut - Leroy Pullins
The Place Where The Nuts Hunt The Squirrels - Napoleon XIV
Spiderman - Richard Cheese
Boris The Spider - The Who

I've Got Friends In Law Places - Dave Russell as Garth
Rudolph The New York Mayor - Jesse Goldberg
The Liar Sleeps Tonight - Mr. Whitekeys & The Fabulous Spamtones
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Elephant Song - Power Salad
Poor Hamster - Louis Gentile
Hamster Love - Big Daddy

Meat Cookies - Lolly
Down With V.E.G. - The Amazing Onionheads
Fussy Eater - George Carlin
Toad In My Taco - Joe Keefe

Take Me To The Garden (I Wanna Feel Yer Termaters) - Hyde Tanner & The Ramblers
Cup Cakes (w/ intro) - Terri "Cup Cake" O'Mason
Food Innuendo Guy - Adam Sandler
Sushi Baby - Bianca Bob & Flystrip
The Ding Dong Song - Williams & Ree

I Like Food - Descendents
Food! - Rappy McRapperson
Hey Food - Cookie Monster & The Sesame Street Beetles
School Cafeteria (live on KMET, 11-11-79) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
The Pizza Song - Dick Biondi
Donuts - Dr. Pants

#5 Here I Am With President Romney - Robert Lund
#4 It Takes Who - the great Luke Ski

#3 99 Words For Boobs - Robert Lund
#2 The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny - Lemon Demon

#1 Skullcrusher Mountain - Jonathan Coulton
next week: lots more of the world's funniest food songs