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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #06-26 - June 25, 2006

Special Topic: total immersion in the year 1976

Trash Day - "Weird Al" Yankovic
If William Shatner Can, I Can Too - Jeff Daniels
If I Were A Pangolin - Logan Whitehurst
Michael Is The President Of The English Club - Logan Whitehurst
Peter The Meter Reader - Meri Wilson

Hooty Sapperticker - Barbara & The Boys
Doggy Doo - Steve Wahl & The Hydrants
Iranian Uranium - Robert Lund
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Hey Shirley (This Is Squirrely) - Shirley & Squirrely
Disco Tech - Homemade Theatre
Football - Eric Idle & Neil Innes
If (brief excerpt) - Telly Savalas
Butch Soap - Yin & Yan

Junk Food Junkie (live in studio from show #91, 1976) - Larry Groce
Rutabaga Boogie - Paul Shelasky & His Musical Zombies
Gumball Wizard - Brad Stanfield
Belvedere Cruisin' (brief accidental excerpt) - Alfred Yankovic
Belvedere Cruisin' - Alfred Yankovic

Lumberjack Song (Monty Python Sings version) - Monty Python
Bicentennial - Loudon Wainwright III
200 Candles - Father Guido Sarducci

Stardrek - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
King Kong (Your Song) - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara
You're Pitiful - "Weird Al" Yankovic

#5 Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter From Camp) - Allan Sherman
#4 Eleven Saints - Jason Webley w/ Jay Thompson

#3 I Got Crabs From Darth Vader - Robert Lund
#2 You Don't Know Jack - The Great Luke Ski

#1 Bulbous Bouffant - Radio Free Vestibule
next week: The Fourth Of July (all-American)