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playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #05-02 - January 9, 2005

Special Topic: in-studio visit with The Bobs

Good Morning Bluebird - Heywood Banks
Car Phone - Sheeler & Sheeler
Hello Michelle (live) - Henry Phillips
Take Off Your Clothes - Peter Sarstedt
Blow It Up - Bill Morrison

Eat It - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Music, Sex And Cookies (Seventh Annual American Song Festival Winners mix) - George Uetz
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron - The Royal Guardsmen
The Japanese Kidnapped My Son - Johnny Jones
Pac-Man Fever - Buckner & Garcia
Epithets - Paul & Storm

Turbo Nose Hair Clippers - Heywood Banks
eBay - "Weird Al" Yankovic
99 Dead Baboons - Tim Cavanagh
Simple Balloon Animals - A Sequence - Bill Morrison

Interview - The Bobs - part 1

Interview - The Bobs - part 2

Today Was A Very Good Day - Ken Turetzky
#5 Sounds Of Sinus (2003 version) - Mark Young
#4 A Very English Thing - Les Barker

#3 Swift Kick In The Rear - Dan Hart
#2 Army Careers - The Frantics
EXTRA: Balloon Man Take Me To Wherever You Are Going - Bill Morrison

EXTRA: Red Light - Green Light - Engineer Bill
#1 Girlfriend - Henry Phillips
next week: down-home humor from middle America (the red states)