A copy of this show has been found in the Demento Archives. If you would like to vote for it being transferred to digital for streaming on their web site, please click here. |
playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show
I'm The Slime - The Mothers
Papa Woody - Darryl Rhoades
Tell 'Em I'm On The Toilet (fade) - Delinquent Liens
Happy Boy - The Beat Farmers
Hamster Love - Big Daddy
Closer - Schmendryck K. Archer (Naked Rabbit)
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Jewel - Mr. Whitekeys & The Fabulous Spamtones
In 1492 - Benny Bell
I Got It From Agnes - Tom Lehrer
Gimme Dat Ding - The Pipkins
Pretty Little Gun - Marilyn Rucker
Pistol Packin' Mama - Al Dexter & His Troopers
Uncle Jack Sez Relax - Charles Webb & Tom Bolton
Uncle Jack Needs A New Pair Of Shoes - Gnooly
Like A Surgeon (Madonna's "Truth Or Dare" version) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Coconut - Nilsson
A Little More Gauze - Mike Nichols & Elaine May
Bacteria - Penn & Teller
Medical Love Song - Eric Idle
Doin' The Incontinence Rag - Too Live Nurse
Working Where The Sun Don't Shine - Bowser & Blue
#5 The Stalker - Laurie Powell
#4 Inner Thoughts - Barry & The Bookbinders
#3 Fanboy - The Great Luke Ski
#2 Pachelbel (live) - Rob Paravonian
#1 Cows With Guns - Dana Lyons
next week: the election